Celestial Loop

‘Celestial Loop’ acrylic on canvas 30″x40″ 2015

186,000 Miles A Second

‘186,000 Miles A Second’acrylic on canvas24″x36″2015 Fashionable, space-helmeted figures fly along the tracks, fleeing some unseen cosmic force invading the concrete jungle. The background is based on a reference photo taken from the Union Pacific yard running under the Sixth Street Viaduct connecting Downtown Los Angeles with the Boyle Heights neighborhood. The viaduct, built in 1932, … Read More

Starship Trooper Redux

‘Starship Trooper Redux’acrylic on panel18″x18″2015A memento mori for our primate brothers and sisters. In the early years of the Space Race, before any human testing, many animals were launched into space including non-human primates beginning with a rhesus monkey in 1948. ‘Starship Trooper Redux’ is a tribute to those animals blasted into the void before … Read More

A, Bee, See

  ‘A, Bee, See’ acrylic on canvas 24″x48″ 2010


 acrylic on canvas30″x40″2009