Lost Cosmonaut
acrylic on canvas 10″x10″ 2014
Hood Head
acrylic on canvas 24″x24″ 2014
Fearless II
acrylic on canvas 24″x24″ 2014
acrylic on canvas 10″x10″ 2014
Pole Position
acrylic on canvas 10″x10″ 2014
Terminal Velocity
acrylic on canvas 12″x16″ 2014
acrylic and oil on canvas20″x20″2012 A collaboration with the artist Lee Harvey RoswellExhibited as part of “Allied Forces” in November 2012 at Modern Eden Gallery in San Francisco
I Love The Smell Of Hydrogen In The Morning
acrylic on canvas 24″x36″ 2014
God Of War
acrylic on canvas14″x24″2014 Exhibited as part of “Olympus: Contemporary Portraits of the Ancient Gods” in June 2014 at Modern Eden Gallery in San Francisco